Every ride you make with OMNI is safe and secure

The safety of our drivers and riders always comes first at OMNI. Check out our safety measures.

OMNI's commitment to safety

Driver Levels is feature that ensures top-performing drivers automatically get better conditions (such as lower subscription fees and bonuses).

There are 4 possible eligibility criteria.

Days active
The number of days when the driver was online in the app for at least 5 hours in total.

Completed rides
The number of successfully completed rides during the reference period.

Ride cancellation rate
The number of canceled trips as a percentage of the total.

Driver rating
Current driver rating by the moment of level revision.

Keeping our drivers and riders safe is always our top priority.

Driver verification

For all of our drivers, document and photo verification is a must. The rider should cancel the ride if the driver or car doesn't match the profile in the app.

Safety button

Using the shield icon on the main screen, you can contact support, call the police, or call an ambulance quickly.

Send your ride to others

The ride details can be shared with friends and family by both passengers and drivers. The route, driver, vehicle information, and trip status will be displayed.


Our support team is available to assist drivers and passengers with any violations or disputes. Get in touch with us support.

Choose your driver

A rider can view a driver's rating, car model, and ride history before accepting the ride. It works both ways.

Contact you can trust

Our support team is available to assist drivers and passengers with any violations or disputes. Get in touch with us at

Rate your driver

If you're a rider or a driver, make sure you rate your ride. Put 1 star if you had a bad experience. You won't ride again with this driver.

ID Verification

Drivers and riders are required to take a photo of both sides of their identification documents (such as their driver's license) or provide a trusted digital ID.

Selfie Verification

Our platform prompts drivers to constantly take selfies to ensure the person you're traveling to matches the person on the ID.

Rider Safety Tips

Driver Levels is feature that ensures top-performing drivers automatically get better conditions (such as lower subscription fees and bonuses).

There are 4 possible eligibility criteria.

Days active
The number of days when the driver was online in the app for at least 5 hours in total.

Completed rides
The number of successfully completed rides during the reference period.

Ride cancellation rate
The number of canceled trips as a percentage of the total.

Driver rating
Current driver rating by the moment of level revision.

1. Check the license plate, car model, and driver photo before starting a trip

2. Cancel the ride if the info doesn't match.

3. Let us know the entrance number or precise pick-up location, and double-check the destination address when you book. If you have more than 4 passengers, bulky luggage or a pet, please mention this in the comments section.

4. Changed your mind? Let the driver know and cancel your trip.

1. Check the license plate, car model, and driver photo before starting a trip

2. Cancel the ride if the info doesn't match.

3. Let us know the entrance number or precise pick-up location, and double-check the destination address when you book. If you have more than 4 passengers, bulky luggage or a pet, please mention this in the comments section.

4. Changed your mind? Let the driver know and cancel your trip.

1. Check the license plate, car model, and driver photo before starting a trip

2. Cancel the ride if the info doesn't match.

3. Let us know the entrance number or precise pick-up location, and double-check the destination address when you book. If you have more than 4 passengers, bulky luggage or a pet, please mention this in the comments section.

4. Changed your mind? Let the driver know and cancel your trip.

Safety for riders

Driver Levels is feature that ensures top-performing drivers automatically get better conditions (such as lower subscription fees and bonuses).

There are 4 possible eligibility criteria.

Days active
The number of days when the driver was online in the app for at least 5 hours in total.

Completed rides
The number of successfully completed rides during the reference period.

Ride cancellation rate
The number of canceled trips as a percentage of the total.

Driver rating
Current driver rating by the moment of level revision.

Trips are better when they're safe.

One Person – One Account

Don't share your OMNI account. If you use your account, you're responsible. Also, it helps our drivers recognize you.

Taking the kids on a ride

It's always a good idea to have an adult with children and under 18. You'll need a child seat if you're traveling with a kid.


Any kind of discrimination isn't tolerated here. Give your driver some respect and dignity.

Respect for everyone

Don't be rude to your driver, their car, or their privacy. Thank your driver and ask if they can help you with your luggage. It makes your mutual experience so much better.

Taking pets along

Don't forget to let the driver know if you're bringing a pet. Bring a carrier or blanket over the car seat to reduce mess.

Prohibited Substances

While using our service, please don't drink or transport alcohol (in open containers) or illegal drugs.

Safety for drivers

Driver Levels is feature that ensures top-performing drivers automatically get better conditions (such as lower subscription fees and bonuses).

There are 4 possible eligibility criteria.

Days active
The number of days when the driver was online in the app for at least 5 hours in total.

Completed rides
The number of successfully completed rides during the reference period.

Ride cancellation rate
The number of canceled trips as a percentage of the total.

Driver rating
Current driver rating by the moment of level revision.

Easy-to-use solutions for driver partners.

One Person – One Account

Keep your OMNI account private. It's your account, so you're responsible. You're also more easily recognized by our passengers.

Taking the kids on a ride

When using OMNI, kids and under-18s need to be accompanied by an adult. Prepare a child seat before accepting a ride with a child

Tiredness is a red flag

Taking a ride is your responsibility so try not to drive more than 10 hours a day.  Break whenever you need to. OMNI offers the fairest conditions for drivers; don't overdo it.

Prohibited substances

We don't allow you to consume or transport alcohol (open containers) or illegal drugs.

Pets and riding

Tell the passenger if you're allergic or intolerant to pets and don't accept orders with pets to avoid any inconveniences.

We don't discriminate

Discrimination is not tolerated here. Don't be mean to your passengers.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Still have questions? Our Team is always happy to help. Get in touch

Interested in becoming a driver?

OMNI is a commission-free rideshare platform for drivers with a low monthly fee, starting at $99/month.
Join the first group of 500 drivers while spots are still open.

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Sarah Kingston
Data Analyst

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Are all features included in Basic?

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